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7 Strategies for A Better Night’s Sleep

Relaxed woman with eyes closed sitting on bed enjoying music over headphones

How many hours of sleep do you get each night? Did you know that the National Sleep Foundation recommends 7-9 hours of sleep for healthy adults? If you’re sleeping less, don’t worry – we know that sometimes lack of sleep is out of your control. Because sleep is an important piece of a healthy lifestyle, we’re providing you with some extra support. Grab our list of seven strategies to increase relaxation, allowing for a better night’s rest.

1. Practice a Mindful Breathing Routine

We’ve talked about the benefits of breathing before – it’s a great habit to get into, which is why it deserves another shout-out. Practicing deep belly breathing before bed is an effective way to activate your relaxation response, letting your body know it’s time to go to sleep.  

Start by laying on your back with your feet flat and your knees knocked together. Next, place one hand on your belly and one on your heart. Begin noticing your breath. With every inhale, aim to feel your belly expand underneath your hand.  

You may also try 4-7-8 breathing, where you inhale for a count of 4, hold for a count of 7, and exhale for a count of 8. With either technique, the key is to focus on your breath and try to be present at the moment the best you can.

2. Include Magnesium

Magnesium is a mineral that may help reduce cortisol levels (stress hormone), improve sleep efficiency, reduce morning wakings, and even help you fall asleep faster. While magnesium deficiencies are rare, if you have suboptimal magnesium levels, your sleep may suffer. First, start by increasing your dietary sources of magnesium through foods such as leafy greens, nuts, seeds, legumes, yogurt, milk, soybeans, and whole grains. If those are typically consumed in your diet, you may want to ask your medical provider about adding a dietary supplement such as Calm, a powder mixed into water.

3. Try Incorporating Lavender

Lavender oil has been shown to improve sleep quality. It may also be beneficial for those with mild insomnia. You can use the oil by rubbing it on the bottom of your feet, adding a few drops on your pillow, or diffusing it in a room. Be sure to use a high-quality essential oil for optimal benefits. 

4. Consider Bath Time

Add Epsom salts and a drop of lavender oil into your bath for extra relaxation before bed. The Epsom salts break down in hot water and are absorbed through your skin, providing relaxation benefits to your muscles. If you can’t take a bath, you can get the same benefits by soaking your feet.

5. Understand Your Food Choices

Food choices may impact your sleep negatively. Those with acid reflux often experience symptoms if they eat within three hours of lying down. Other triggers for reflux include large portions, fatty foods, caffeine, chocolate, and acidic foods like tomatoes or citrus. Another habit that may be impacting your sleep is caffeine. Large amounts of caffeine during the day may provide extra stimulation at night.  

Pro tip: You can track your food timing and see the correlation to sleep quality using the Lose It! App. The timestamps feature gives you the option to log the time you ate a meal, to see what and when you’ve been eating on those nights when sleep feels more complicated, and to make changes accordingly.

6. Try Drinking Tart Cherry Juice

Tart cherries provide an increase in melatonin that has been shown to improve sleep duration and quality, especially for those experiencing disrupted sleep. When purchasing tart cherry juice, read the labels to ensure it is free of added sugars. Can’t find the juice? Try searching for tart cherries in the frozen fruit section.

7. Incorporate Some Meditation

Meditation may help improve sleep, particularly if you notice your mind goes into overdrive right as your head hits the pillow. Many apps can walk you through getting started with meditation, such as Headspace, Calm, Ten Percent Happier, or Insight Timer. We love how Headspace explains meditation stating, “you’re not trying to turn off your thoughts and feelings – you’re learning to observe them without judgment.”

We hope at least one of these seven tips will help you achieve a better night’s sleep. 

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